

THE RESULTS ON Breast Enlargement With Implants Are Published

In March 2012, Oslo Plastic Surgery published an article on quality of life for women who had surgery on breast implants in the journal «Surgeon».

We are very proud that our experience is now reaching out to professionals and audiences to hopefully increase our understanding of cosmetic surgery and quality of life.


It is the average woman in the community who is currently performing breast augmentation. This applies to age, civil status and education. In addition, she does not appear to have any worse mental health in terms of depression than comparable normal populations. Breast enlargement increases the quality of life, including increased motivation for daily activity, great satisfaction with the cosmetic result and a better life after surgery. Nevertheless, the high proportion of women who receive reduced breast sensitivity after surgery is a significant challenge. Multicenter studies are needed to more accurately specify the rate of depression and development after surgery.

Read the full article here (www.kirurgen.no)

VG Interview

https://www.vg.no/nyheter/meninger/i/JQnQvJ/estetisk-kirurgi-er-helsehjelp Aesthetic surgery is health care In the media, we have seen several articles about aesthetic surgerythis autumn, including from Minister of Health Kjerkol. Some

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