


He gave the following lectures

1. Patient selection, assessment and consent.

He lectured on how, after thorough assessment of the patients, those who would be good at fat transplantation and those who were recommended other alternatives were found.

He also told about the clinic’s routines when the patient has decided to undergo surgery. They receive detailed information about the procedure and the time afterwards, both in writing and orally. They then sign a contract during their operating time, which places special emphasis on the cancellation option within a given period of time. When the patient meets the day of surgery, everyone must sign a declaration of consent. The main purpose of this form is to ensure that all patients have received good information about the procedure they are going to undergo, are aware of the risk of complications as well as what obligations and rights they have in this regard.

2. Butt enlargement with own fat (BBL)

He reviewed the history of butt enlargement with his own fat, and dealt with the internationally reported complications that have occurred following such interventions. He told of his long experience with this procedure. He explained the importance of a thorough patient safety assessment prior to such an intervention and his own experience with all the interventions he has undertaken regarding buttock enlargement with his own fat.

VG Interview

https://www.vg.no/nyheter/meninger/i/JQnQvJ/estetisk-kirurgi-er-helsehjelp Aesthetic surgery is health care In the media, we have seen several articles about aesthetic surgerythis autumn, including from Minister of Health Kjerkol. Some

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