


The newly graduated association aims to stimulate and develop clinical experience and clinical research in the field of fat transplantation.

The association holds its first international professional meeting in Rome in March 2012!

We have performed breast enlargement with our own fat transplant since 2008 and on the face and rest of the body for even longer.

With its participation as a member and its presence at the March meeting, Oslo Plastic Surgery will closely monitor developments in this exciting area that will benefit our patients.

Visit ISPRS: https://www.ispres-ipras.org/

VG Interview

https://www.vg.no/nyheter/meninger/i/JQnQvJ/estetisk-kirurgi-er-helsehjelp Aesthetic surgery is health care In the media, we have seen several articles about aesthetic surgerythis autumn, including from Minister of Health Kjerkol. Some

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