

NEW at OPK: Frozen Cartilage | Frozen
cartilage – for nose surgery

Oslo Plastic Surgery can now offer frozen cartilage for deformities on the nose with good
effect so far. It is most commonly used to build up the bridge of the nose in patients with a
low bridge of the nose, after injury or previous nose surgery. This is also typical of an Asian
or African nose. In addition, one can build up and support the tip of the nose and shape the
nose wing (Alarplasty). Studies show good long-term results for such operations and the
method with frozen cartilage turns out to be a good alternative to other procedures where
you move your own rib cartilage.

The frozen cartilage is thawed after the medical procedure and prepared during surgery.
This method is preferable to harvesting your own cartilage from ribs which is far more
complicated. One then avoids in addition to possible complications, defect in the rib area,
pain, and feeling the edge after removal of rib cartilage on the rib. All this can be avoided by
frozen cartilage procedure. Contact us for a non-binding consultation.

VG Interview

https://www.vg.no/nyheter/meninger/i/JQnQvJ/estetisk-kirurgi-er-helsehjelp Aesthetic surgery is health care In the media, we have seen several articles about aesthetic surgerythis autumn, including from Minister of Health Kjerkol. Some

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