

Breast Enlargement With Fat Injection

A new offer for those who want a more natural and lasting result. Recent US Experience (Ref ASAPS, American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Congress in Las Vegas Nevada, USA, May 09 https://asaps.omnibooksonline.com/ where the clinic’s physician was present) shows promising results with body fat as a good alternative to breast enlargement. It assumes that you have enough fatty tissue on other parts of the body that can also be advantageously reduced or removed. Our own experiences with the method have also produced very good results. Since this is a relatively new method here in the Nordic countries, follow-up of patients is still short, but so far the patients are very satisfied with the method.

Fat injection is recommended as a good alternative to breast implants if you want a more lasting result. The method is best suited for enlarging small or medium-sized breasts. Women who have never developed normal breasts or have had small breasts after undergoing pregnancies may feel this as cosmetically and socially disruptive. Both groups are candidates for breast enlargement with their own adipose tissue.

The fat is taken from your own body through special needles. This is done under local anesthesia or during sedation (sedative medication) and is treated in a special way before injecting with a special syringe (so-called Coleman’s technique) in the desired area.

Fat injection with own fatty tissue requires that you have areas to retrieve fat from which can be moved to the desired area. The amount of adipose tissue needed depends on the volume in the area you want to enlarge. Mostly it is about relatively small or medium amounts of fat. It is an advantage to take fat from an area that needs correction. Therefore, the breast augmentation surgery itself is often combined with, for example, liposuction of the stomach, the sides, the outside of the thighs or the inside of the thighs. See more info about breast enlargement with own adipose tissue during treatments.

VG Interview

https://www.vg.no/nyheter/meninger/i/JQnQvJ/estetisk-kirurgi-er-helsehjelp Aesthetic surgery is health care In the media, we have seen several articles about aesthetic surgerythis autumn, including from Minister of Health Kjerkol. Some

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